Thursday, January 30, 2014

Breaking Forth

I've been thinking a lot about metaphors here lately. But truthfully, my mind is in a constant metaphoric state from camp (Lori and Larry sure taught us well). I was thinking about the metaphors in nature and in our mundane lives that happen everywhere around us, but we never really open our eyes to see them. Like the sunrise. It breaks forth from the darkness every. single. morning. And when it arrives, the darkness flees. Same with Jesus, when He stepped into this world he broke forth like the dawn. When He was crucified (yep for you and me) the world became dark again as if showing the true weight of our broken nature. And then just like the morning sun, He rose to take His rightful place over death. Now for some this may seem cliche or super "churchy" but let me tell you, it's far from that. Rarely does a religious person get this excited about the gospel but instead have merely moved past it.

Guys this isn't something you move past. You don't move past the sunrise every morning. And if you're lucky enough to see it every morning (like me) then you know that it's not just another sunrise! Every morning the sun breaks over Knoxville just as a cross over the bridge, I stop at the top and revel in the beauty, take a deep breath, remember my place and who goes before me, and keeping walking through the day. It literally gets to me every day.

And I hope that you find that the gospel does that to you. because holy cow, it sure does it for me. When I see the sun rise and take it's rightful place, my heart swells thinking of how Jesus did the same for me. He broke through the darkness for me. He came to rescue me from the nightmares and the fear in darkness and He came to set me free.

He came to set you free too. Did you know that? I'm not just some special person that He only came to save me. He came to rescue you too. from all the crappy things in life that you have to go through. Divorce, depression, anxiety, death, and even living a mundane life, yeah, He came to rescue you from that. And He's bringing you into a kingdom of parties and dancing and light and life. It's worth way more than the stuff society tells you is "just a part of life". Jesus came to say "IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY."

This is good news, people.

So, go on. Take this good news to heart. Be renewed by His joy, peace, patience, and His never-ending grace. Tell fear to move out the way because you are breaking forth like the dawn. Tell hope to rise up because you are ready for this world. The Lord promises that He will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).

Be brave today because Jesus has come to rescue you.

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