Sunday, February 2, 2014

I Met A Man

Rainy Sunday Morning listenin:

This song really gets me. Take a listen and you'll know why. I lot of times, my heart comes spilling out through music and it's rich when I find that someone has already written the words from deep within me. It also helps me remember that I'm not alone in feeling these things. Now this song doesn't necessarily reflect me to a tee because...well... let me just explain.

A lot of this song talks about how her parents don't believe she's healed and they say she's a lost cause. Well that's not the case with me. I have been so blessed to have the parents that I do. They laugh with me, they cheer me on, they fight for me, and most of all, they love me when I'm at my worst. My father is a kind hearted man with a ferocity for his family and for justice. He is always looking out for those under him and He knows just about every thing under the sun. My mother is the strongest woman I know. She loves, works, and lives with a fierceness I know I inherited. She always makes sure every one has everything and will go out of her way to make life easier for those around her. She knows how to have a good time and values a good surprise. And in this time of change for me, they have stepped up along side me and joined in on the journey. They are living examples of God's love for me.

I think that most often, I am the one that believes I can't be healed. but in recent weeks, I am learning that I can and will be. I am learning to lean solely on the Father (with help from my parents of course). I also find it hard to believe sometimes that I can be a different person than I used to be. And I'm learning that I won't be completely different, but instead I'm becoming a better, revised version of myself. If anything, I'm becoming more of myself. and I like that.

I don't think that I am by any means "better now" but I do feel whole when I sit in the presence of God for a while. I feel Him patching away at my broken pieces, fitting them all back together to make a really cool masterpiece. And I'll have the scars and cracks to tell my story, but I'll be whole.

All because I met a man. and He saved my soul.

I heard today that Jesus said "Go back and tell John: the wretched learn that God is on their side" What a cool statement! I know I talk about the brokenness a lot, but I think it's important. Why? because every one is at some point in their life and Im there now. I believe people ought to know that there is a God out there that is on their side. That He wants to put our pieces back together. That He is on our side!!! I believe in the hope that He came to set us free. That's what this is all about. Well, actually, it's all about the fact that God loves us so freaking much. period. end of story. He's doing every thing He can to win us back and make us whole because He can't stand to live without us.

Your story is worth telling. Your scars are worth sharing. Because it shows people that they are not alone. It allows others to say "me too, friend." It allows others to love you through God. because, ultimately, He loves you and He wants to free you from your fear and hurt.

Now don't take this as I'm saying He'll love you only if you're better. (that's a lie I believed for a long time). That's not what I'm saying. He loves you right where you are. but what I am saying is that He wants to rescue you because it breaks His heart to see His children afraid and hurt. He wants to rescue you from how crappy you feel. It's all up to you, though. You don't have to live in the darkness anymore. He's calling you to the light. So, guys, do me a favor. GET LOVED. okay? JUST GET LOVED. BE-LOVED (i don't have it written in ink on my arm for nothin--- i have to remind myself every day). get loved.

Just meet the man. and see what He does in your life. I know He won't let you down.


So I'll ask: What's your story?

If you have any questions or want to have coffee over this stuff, just let me know. I'm all about that latte-life. and I'd love to walk along side you in your story.

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