Sunday, April 20, 2014

Extended Family.

I think there are two things we need in this life: surprises and community. 

Surprises are both wonderfully magnificent and horribly terrifying to me. I hate being tickled or someone jumping out to scare me, but when someone I haven't seen in a while appears in my line of sight you could say that my joy meter goes through the roof. Sometimes I wonder how Jesus felt about surprises. I may not know his exact reaction, but I do know how much he loved his friends and if I had to guess, I would say I take after him. There's just something about surprising friends you haven't seen in a while. Tonight, I got to do just that with another long time friend of mine. and if I'm being honest, these girls aren't just hometown friends. no, somewhere down the line they started feeling more like extended family. We may not see each other often, but we never question the strength of our love. I think Jesus' disciples were the same to him. 

On the night of his capture, Jesus sat down with his disciples, broke bread with them, laughed, told stories, and loved. He told them that His time on Earth was coming to an end. John leaned on Jesus as if to provide comfort or maybe be comforted himself. Either way, their friendship was deep enough that words were no longer needed to communicate his love for his savior. You see, they didn't have to question the strength of their bond because they just knew. That's where I'm at tonight, sitting in my room, realizing that it might be several months before I get to hug these friends again. But as I sat and shared the hard things of life and they shared their hard, a touch was the only thing needed to communicate the love and support we have for one another. and that is a beautiful thing that was represented to us at the last supper. community. 

Sunday morning. They wake up. They frown. Their hearts ache because they miss Jesus. and then. Mary comes with the most surprising news ever: Jesus is alive. now I don't know about you, but I would have lost it at that point. forget through the roof my joy meter would be flat out broken. Can you imagine? well shoot. I can't. talk about a surprise. and a big beautiful surprise at that. and you know what he says? he says you're free. whhaaaaatttt? no way. stop. you're kidding. nope. you're really free. chains are gone. you are alive and free in me. The "no way - stop - screaming" was exactly what happened as J came into her room tonight both Mal and I giggling under her bed. and there we were in a instant laughing and hugging and sharing stories just like old times. just like Jesus and his disciples did when he returned. surprise.

I don't know you guys, I just really think He gets it. He understands what we go through. Good, Bad, Ugly - he knows. and that's just a beautiful truth to hang onto this morning. He's alive. He loves me. He's more near than air. and He's come to set us free.  

So take hope in the fact that the Lord has risen today. Take hold of community. and for goodness sake, go surprise someone with Joy today. You won't regret it one bit. 


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