Sunday, April 6, 2014

Trail Blazers

It's no surprise that I love the mountains. If you know me at all, you know that the cold mountain water runs deep within my veins, bringing me to life with every season of my life. This past weekend, however, I was not too excited about going. but why? I asked myself that question over and over. why was I not excited to go to my most favorite place? every college kid knows why. "because professors are kicking it into high gear with work and we are endlessly busy." I was making checklists in my head the whole way up there trying to figure out what all needed to be done when I returned. Along the way, God left me with little reminders about Him and the importance of this trip. I like to think of them as little trail-blazers telling me where to go, what's ahead, and most importantly that
I'm still on the path. 

{The John Muir Trail-blazer}

We turned the corner and there in the distance was the most beautiful blue mountain range with a cowboy cliche sunset. As I looked out the window, I caught a glimpse of the pines trees - so green after the weeks rainfall. and I knew in that instant that everything was okay. I knew that I was home and that God had every thing under control. Honestly, I could probably write a book forever trying to explain how He does that to me with just a single moment in time, but I'd rather let my heart rest in the mystery. As we hit the trail just at dusk, my heart was full of joy while my body was slowing down after only having 4 hours of sleep the morning before. I caught a glimpse of the stars that were pin balling their shine off the river, and I thought about the relevance of not wanting to take the hike earlier. The truth I came to was that sometimes in my life I tend to be so focused on the details that I forget the big picture, and sometimes I don't even see when Jesus is calling me to something better.

The next day, I was walking through the forest not really paying attention to where I was going. I always have that problem of staring down at the ground trying not to trip or fall. Anyways, I saw this flower in the midst of all this dirt and grime. Somewhere deep inside, I knew that God was telling me that I was that flower- that sometimes I felt like those grimy leaves because I was surrounded by them, but I needed to remember that I was a flower. I am one of a kind.

I like to take a lot of pictures while I'm out there too. and people make fun of me because I stop every five seconds to take pictures. Every time, though, I walk away frustrated because my iPhone4 doesn't quite capture the essence of the moment or the scenery especially when showing it to other people. It's just not the same as being there. I think God's like that too. People can show us pictures and tell us all about God and His son but it doesn't feel real until you've encountered Him on your own. I'm finding that pictures and stories just don't quite capture the essence of God like sitting next to Him for a while can. because I swear when I sit in His presence, I feel like I'm on the edge of a mountain with a misty sunrise before me.

There is one place though that I did not take a single picture: the wreckage. On this trail there's a lot of down trees and rough areas that cause us to second guess the path we are on. and every time, if you just get through it, there seemed to be something beautiful waiting on the other side; could be a view, lunch, a snack, or a friend holding out a hand to help you. The thing is, you have to go through. There's no way around it. You have to go through the wreckage. I know we never want to, but it's necessary. If we don't sift through our issues or pretend like they're not there, we are only hurting ourselves. It's time we tear down the weeds that have been growing for years. plant some flowers maybe. because I guarantee there is something beautiful on the other side of that wreckage; you might even find Jesus waiting there with His hand to help you.

Along the way, I found that sometimes my boots were gonna have to get a little wet. At first, I exhausted every possible option. I scampered around on rocks or trampled flowers all to avoid the puddle of mud before me. I started tripping and falling on thorns as I avoided the puddles and I finally realized that it would less painful just to swallow my pride and get my boots wet. Some puddles were a few feet long and some came up to your shin. People laughed as I trudged through, but in the end it was worth it to just go through mud. I may have had wet feet, but I no longer had bloody hands and the fear that I would fall in. I think there's something beautiful about diving into our fears and gettin' our boots a little wet. Especially when Jesus is walking through the mud with us.

I learned some good lessons and was reminded of many good things this weekend. I learned to trust my team with my life, trust the map, and trust myself. In the midst of wreckage, I felt my savior wrap me in His arms and carry me through. I saw myself through the eyes of my creator. I stopped to small the flowers (and play with the bugs). I was challenged and therefore grew much.

So here's to Mountain weekends, Near-death-experiences, and Trail blazers.
may you be reminded of the closeness of Jesus through this week's trail blazers.

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