Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Redemption Story

circa 2009 - Freshman year 

I played soccer in high school for 2 years. and I'll be honest with you, it wasn't the best experience of my life. I wasn't very skilled (still an awkward lanky kid) but I had a lot of passion. Unfortunately passion didn't get you friends on the team, goals did. Therefore, I was left with few people on the team I trusted or wasn't afraid of. But that's how it used to be: a team full of superstars and a bunch of people not worthy to clean the dust off their cleats. Coach tried to bring us together with the help of a character coach, but we were too far gone. The summer after my sophomore year I decided not to try out again. For years I struggled with my experience on the team and built up a lot of walls to hide the shame and regret. I didn't have to hide it much, though, because most people didn't even know I played on the team (even when I was on it). But a year later, I started working at New Frontiers and we all know how that story goes: a divine detour that led me to a love I never knew on that team. 

Today every thing came full circle. The team and coach I had once played for was in my backyard. Here at camp for a preseason retreat, the girls faced challenges much harder than fitness. They came face to face with their fears and what it really looks like to be a team. and at the end of their activities I got to look them in the face and tell them what happens when you're not a team. I got to share my experience and encourage them not to make the same mistakes. As I talked with staff, I was shown that my time was not wasted on the team. I was able to come back 3 years later and relate to those girls in a unique way because I had been in their cleats. I was able to step in and show them the two roads that they could choose for their season. My prayer is that they choose the road that my team didn't and that they reach all of their goals because of it. 

I sat and listened to my coach tell his players how one person can affect the whole team. If one person is negative and hurtful it brings the whole team down. All this time, I thought that those people were the superstars and I was the bench warmer. but what I learned is that statistics don't leave your legacy, your contribution to the betterment of the team is what people remember you for. This part of my story is not something I like to talk about or even feel like it's worth talking about, but today I learned that grace is free for the taking if I'm willing to set aside my hurt to have a small part in changing that team. Today I'm reminded that it's okay that I wasn't on varsity because Jesus picked the JV team to turn the world upside down anyways. Today I learned that God can take the most shameful parts of our story and make it for good. He says, "don't you worry. I won't waste one bit of your story."  

Now when I look back on my time on the team i can say, "well yeah I wasn't very good. but I never once compromised myself for fitting in and I developed a drive and passion for every thing I do. I developed skills that have not been wasted in my time at New frontiers." and I think that's as good as it gets. 

And friends that's called redemption. That's grace in its true form. God takes something awful and turns it into good. He turns a character coach you barely saw into your weekly counselor. He turns a shameful experience into a proud memory. He turns a team that was so far gone into one that loves and cares for one another. He redeems all the bad stories into lessons for others and yourself. and that's what grace is all about, emptying all the junk and getting filled with a matchless love. It's about getting out of the boat and knowing without a doubt that Jesus can do immeasurably more with your story than you could ever imagine.

I don't know about you but that gives me hope. I have hope that experiences that I'm currently going through will someday be used for good. I have hope that there is redemption for those who need it most. I have hope that God is watching out for us in both the valley and the mountain top. and at the end of both he has grace upon grace waiting for us. 

Jesus calls the JV and says here. do what I do. be bold. walk on water. don't be afraid because no matter what happens I will be with you. I have great plans for you my child. don't worry about being qualified. the only qualification you need is grace - and believe me you have a fount overflowing with that.

take some grace as you go, friends. He's given it out by the bucket load.


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