Friday, October 30, 2015

Come Closer

Light is a powerful tool to yield. In the form of fire, it is raging from the inside out. Think about the way fire controls the Earth: it drives people away, it pulls people close, it demands respect. Sitting next to a fire, I am thinking of all the ways one can interact with this seemingly innocent pit of heart, earth, and light. To be a good fire, one must start small. Starting with big logs is futile, for they are not prepared to burn. Starting small and having patience, make a little fire faithful in the long run. But it must be noted that a fire does not stay lit by only a spark either - it only starts it.

In our lives, a single flit of light will not have the power to sustain our hearts, but instead one must continue to faithfully serve the fire within. Though, try as we might to smother the fire with earthly things, it is the oxygen, the breath of God that fuel our flames. Oxygen is what satisfies. It is His breath and His alone that gives life.

this flickering flame looks like it may burn out soon, but it continues to blaze no matter how small it may seem. These hot coals are the foundation that keep it burning. It's funny to me how the closer you come to the flames, the hotter you become. You may sit out of the way for fear of the smoke and ashes, but what good is that if you are cold?

Come closer.

The smoke may blow every once and a while but what a small price to pay for the healing touch of warmth. I want to draw ever close as he draws near to me in this silent wood. I feel him sitting nearby and I know that it is He who tends my fire.

He knows that it is burning even when I have covered my face from the smoke. He is patient and kind in removing the embers from my hands when I have left them out too long. It would seem that I cannot yield the same light as He though I may try. He is faithful to rebuild what I may have long since tried to burn out. Oh so faithful to ever come closer.

May your eyes be open to the One who comes closer, the One who yields the most glorious light.


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