Sunday, February 16, 2014

Life Echos

Your heart beats 900 times a day and there are enough gallons of blood to make you an ocean. There is a God out there who loves you - even when you can't feel Him. He is holding on to you so tight. Every little thing is gonna be okay.

Breathe. In out In out. Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. Do you hear your heartbeat? good. 

As I stepped out of Remedy tonight, I let the cool air rush over me and embraced the snow that was gently covering the Old City. At one point, I just stopped. I looked up and stood in awe of the snowflakes all swirling around me. I caught a few on my tongue. And I remembered: this is what it's like to be alive. I have been reminded these past few days how important it is to remind yourself that you are alive, how important it is to stop and breathe.

We can get so caught up in the minor details of our little lives that we overlook the bigger picture. We don't take time to count our gifts because it's just easier to list off complaints. We forget to say "I love you." We go to sleep mad. We get offended over petty things. This is not the life Jesus wanted for us.

It's freedom. It's joy. It's boldness. it's love. That's what he wants for us.

And whether or not you realize it, Those things echo out of your heart. Like yelling out on the top of a mountain: your life echo bounces from person to person. Let your life echo freedom, joy, boldness, and love. And remember that God loves you. Don't ever forget that. If you do: give me a call. I'll remind you until I take my last breath. No matter what you've done, He loves you. No matter if you think you deserve it or not, He loves you. He loves you. He loves you. He loves you.

These Echos, they're real. God's pure loving echo. Your life echo. The echo of your heart beat. You're alive. You're loved. Breathe.

I felt the echo of a sweet life this week. Those closest to him at the epicenter, I felt the quake all the way in Knoxville and I was brought to my knees. I watched a school and a town came together in prayer for one life. I cried along with those closest to him. I felt the echo of his life bounce off all of the lives he touched while on this earth.

Jeremy, I didn't know you well. I think I may have talked to you a few times. but I have been impacted by your life. You left such a legacy of love. And you are so loved by so many people. Your echo is one that Oakland will never forget and your life will continue to change lives. Rest in peace. 
Remember this week to say I love you. Remember this week to breathe. Remember to hold fast to Jesus. You're alive. You're loved. Echo Echo echo. what will your life echo be?

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