Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Beauty in Letting Go

{Thankful for faithful pen pals}

Today officially felt like the start of spring. I mean, I know it's not, but the button in my heart switched over as I drove down the highway with my windows down. I find this season to be all about newness. And I think a lot of embracing the new comes with letting go of the old. Em, no. please. don't start talking about change. Just hold on tight friends. 

I've been thinking a lot about what I want this season to look like. I want to let things go and start new things.  I want to let go of arguments, hurt feelings, and lies. I want to move and be and live in fullness. I want to write more letters and send less texts. I want to reconnect with this world - the people and the earth. I want to thank God for the good days AND the bad. I want to love my friends, neighbors, strangers well. I want to be less consumed with tiny details and celebrate His master plan. I want to follow Him where He wants me to go this season. 

It's easier said than done. I know. because most of those new things can only happen if I let go of those old things. I'm not sure I've quite mastered the art of letting go of those things just yet, but maybe this will be a season of learning. Something that helps, though, is this description of the cross. For most of us, we've heard the story a million times. but don't shut your ears off. just listen.

There was a man who was kind of crazy. He was a mover and a shaker. He challenged everything in culture and He loved like no other. The people in authority wanted to get rid of this maniac so they nailed him to a cross (one of the most humiliating deaths to die). The people believed that they had let go of something bad and so they were starting new. But what they didn't realize is who that man was. Three days later, He wasn't in the tomb anymore. oh no. we've lost the only thing we tried to let go of they thought to themselves. For the man's followers, the empty tomb and the cross was all about letting go of the old and embracing the new. 

Now, his followers were blameless in His sight, they could have an intimate relationship with the Father. Now, they were set free from their old life and made new in Him. Yes, they had to give up having Jesus in the flesh. And they had to quit bearing chains they weren't meant to hold. but the new was so much better. it offered freedom, joy, love, peace. 

I don't know about you, but I want some of that. 
I want to be free and not hang on to the old
and I'd be willing to let go of some things to gain a whole lot more.

So I guess, what I'm saying is that change is good. Moving houses, mending hearts, changing schools, meeting new people: they all lead to good things. New things. Thing you never could imagine.

My hope for you this season is that you let go of things that are holding you back from a life you can't even imagine. If you need someone to walk through that with you, I'm a pretty faithful traveling companion. Although, I'm not as faithful as the guy who showed me that even in the death of something so wonderful, beauty can still rise from the ashes. 

Write some letters, watch the sunrise, learn a new skill, give up an unhealthy habit. 


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