Saturday, March 21, 2015

Red Dirt Redemption

The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.    Romans 13:12

My computer screen has hundreds of pictures of laughing faces and hugging friends, mountainous views and red dirt churches. I scan through them for an hour on my work break. "I miss Africa today," I tell Stephen from across the room. We both know the feeling of missing the places we've called home for a short while. It's a confession we have made often to each other, a bond that holds our team tightly together. With each click of the arrow, I am reminded of the joy, the simplicity, the Jesus ebbing and flowing through these once very lively scenes.

but what is it that I am constantly told? That I constantly remind myself of?

Jesus is Jesus no matter what your coordinates on the map may be. 

He is the same in East Africa, East Tennessee, and Atlanta Georgia. His faithfulness and steadfastness does not change. and He sometimes changes you more 3 hours away from home than He does half way across the globe. I learned this lesson after days of feeling like I wasted my time in East Africa.  Can I admit that? Because I did. I felt like I didn't hold up my end of the bargain with God when I was there. But at a church in downtown ATL I learned that even when I choose to let go, He hasn't and He's not planning to. He's holding up both ends of the bargain because He already held up his Son on the cross for us. for you. and me too.

Little me cannot change what has already been set in motion. This victory over death and sin is claimed already and my flesh cannot change that no matter how ugly it is. Even despite our flesh, He still chooses me [and you too] for a mighty work. Mission possible: redeem the world.  And that mission starts behind our ribs. It's pumping oxygen into our blood to continue what God set forth in motion the day we were born. Sometimes it gets broken or aches with the pains of missing red dirt churches and sweet chai tea, but it always has a deep longing to be redeemed from what we are to who we were meant to be. You know what I'm talking about don't you? The longing for a home you cannot explain? That's the one.

I feel the ache of redemption right down to my very core. I felt it again like growing pains when I was surrounded by hundreds of women waiting expectantly for our Savior. and I'm not sure if any of this is making sense to you, but it's more clear than ever this redemption plan He has set before us, before time, before words. To redeem the world by starting in the heart and working His way out.

When we hear the truth, there is no sitting with it for a while. You take and run or you walk. Me? Well I dropped it running a few times because running with chains can make you clumsy. and Jesus came and picked it right back up and placed it in front of me, breaking a chain every time. This time around, He's breaking the chain I have carried with me the longest. The one responsible for my tears in dark spaces. his name is fear and he's been trying to stop me from running for a long time. but now I know and there is nothing more powerful than someone who knows the enemies plan of attack. because now I can fight back.

I am in Christ and Christ is in God. and where He is fear cannot be. So I am free.

I used to think you had to go to Africa or Haiti to be set free from the chains that hold you back from all this God-glory. Now, I know that it can happen anywhere because Jesus' victory is not contained by borders and oceans. It's everywhere for everyone who calls Him Savior. and not one speck of your sin or mine can change that.

I'm still looking at these pictures. Part of me will always miss East Africa and the people there. but I am thankful to be here in Atlanta because it is here that I am learning to depend on Him and Him alone. It is because of the journey on those red dirt roads and all the paths that led me there that I can claim freedom. it is the perseverance through the thick mud that I can claim peace. It is by the grace of God that I can claim J O Y no matter the wreckage before me. That's the beauty of the gospel and I cannot get over it.

So here's to red dirt for running, freedom like no other, and a fierce pursuit by the Almighty. wherever my postcard is sent from.


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